Wednesday, 24 February 2010
ideas for ident
The background for our ident consisted of blood splatters which is typical of thrillers and adds alot of mystery in why is there going to be blood.
Filming dates
Getting to the hotel is a problem for 1 person but for the other two is no problem.
We might finish all of it on saturday if not we might do it on the weekday after that saturday
Music terminology
- Diagetic: The sound is coming from within the scene (e.g. radio, traffic, background noise).
- Non-diagetic: Sound effects added after filming (e.g. music added or sound effects to enhance to the filming and make scenes more intense).
- Sound Bridge: Used to link sounds together (e.g. two scenes).
- Asyncronise: When the sound doesn't reflect/match the image.
- Narrator: Someone reading a long with the story (this person is not a character)
- Ambient Sound: Natural sounds.
Thursday, 11 February 2010
What makes a good thriller?
Horror films are different to Thrillers because they are more about extreme aversion rather than thrills. Horror films create an unnatural excitement and feature gore and un-emotional horror.
Thrillers are generally whole hearted and many believe this is why the thriller genre will live on while the horror genre will die.
Wednesday, 10 February 2010
Filming Equipment
filming tips

The BBFC (British Board of Film Classification) is what regulates films in britain, the BBFC rates each film's content under its relevance to plot and how appropriate it is for what age group/audience.
The BBFC rates films into the following catorgories: U PG 12 12A 1518 R18.
15 rated certificate usually allow moderate violence, gore and sexual activity. However not in explicit circumstances and it must be of relevance. Drug taking is not banned however it cannot be promoted to be seen in a positive way.
We have decided that our thriller will be a 15 rating. This was decided after researching films that were used as the inspiration for our thriller. A few of these films are:
The Bourne trilogy-12
These films all have a similar plot in that there are assassinations and political influences. Although the Bourne trilogy is only rated a 12 there is a lot of violence and we think that it is between a 12 and a 15.
Thursday, 4 February 2010
Wednesday, 3 February 2010
Location sorrento hotel

Suit- an inspired costume for the assasin, looking at thrillers for example hitman the lead male role wears a suit, Valkyrie man character wears a formal officer war costume
i think this is very good because wearing a suit could mean anything from going into an interview, business related things, people expect different than hitman
chef costume

Chefs costume adds an effect to this thriller as we we play different roles in our project