The BBFC (British Board of Film Classification) is what regulates films in britain, the BBFC rates each film's content under its relevance to plot and how appropriate it is for what age group/audience.
The BBFC rates films into the following catorgories: U PG 12 12A 1518 R18.
15 rated certificate usually allow moderate violence, gore and sexual activity. However not in explicit circumstances and it must be of relevance. Drug taking is not banned however it cannot be promoted to be seen in a positive way.
We have decided that our thriller will be a 15 rating. This was decided after researching films that were used as the inspiration for our thriller. A few of these films are:
The Bourne trilogy-12
These films all have a similar plot in that there are assassinations and political influences. Although the Bourne trilogy is only rated a 12 there is a lot of violence and we think that it is between a 12 and a 15.